#1 BUILDING SUPPLY/HOME CENTRE 2019 – Oustanding Retailer Awards, Hardlines
In 2019, Cobourg Home Hardware Building Centre was awarded #1 Building Supply/Home Center in Canada by Hardlines, the voice for the Canadian Home Improvement Industry. The Oustanding Retailer Awards (ORAs) launched 28 years ago and 200 Canadian retailers have been awarded. Watch the video to find out why your Cobourg Home Hardware and Building Centre was chosen! Video provided by HardlinesBEST HOME HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE IN CANADA – Proud of My Home Achievement Award, Home Hardware
Cobourg Home Hardware Building Centre was given the award for the Best Home Hardware Building Center in Canada over 15,000 square feet. This award is given to one store out of nearly 1,100 stores Canada-wide.
We’re not about winning awards we’re about doing what’s right in our community and supplying building materials and services with a high level of service.
680 Division Street Cobourg Ontario K9A 0K3
(905) 372-3381